How is the NY Health Act able to improve the response to a pandemic?


Across the world, universal healthcare systems that prioritized public health interventions have been better able to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.

In universal systems, no one lost their health insurance when they lost their job. Here in NYS, at least 300,000 people lost their health insurance in 2020. In the middle of a pandemic. 

The NY Health plan will guarantee New Yorkers access to high quality care no matter your employment, age, income, race, or immigration status. It even covers full-time workers who live outside of New York State. 

Doctors and nurses can spend time caring for patients, and not fighting health insurance companies to approve care. 

A more coordinated system will better be able to manage supply, staff, and vaccine distribution based on where resources are needed most. 

Most importantly, profit will not be the motivation for healthcare decisions. The system will instead prioritize high quality and equitable outcomes for people. 

More information on COVID and the NY Health Act can be found here.

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