Is long-term care covered?


Long-term care (e.g., home health care, nursing homes) will be covered by the New York Health Act as part of the comprehensive benefit package designed to meet the actual care needs of New York residents. This amendment to the program is the result of years of organizing by women, seniors, people with disabilities, family caregivers, home care workers, unions, undocumented people, and the uninsured who worked with supportive elected officials to include these necessary services as a key component of the benefit package of the proposed universal healthcare system. 

The RAND Corporation studied the New York Health Act, including long-term care services with an emphasis on home-based care, could be fully incorporated into the New York Health plan, and could result in savings by the tenth year, ending the current crisis that requires people to impoverish themselves to be eligible for long-term care services through Medicaid. 

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