Dylan Piccorelli

  • wants to volunteer 2023-10-02 15:32:20 -0400

    Build the movement to WIN guaranteed healthcare for all of us!

    We are at a critical point in the campaign for the NY Health Act – universal, guaranteed healthcare!

    Healthcare costs are hurting everyone as more and more people struggle to get the care they need. This pandemic is affecting people in many different ways. In the face of this crisis, we must keep organizing for the healthcare we need. 

    The NY Health Act is the only plan that will cover everyone and guarantee high quality coverage – including long-term care – at a price we can all afford. To learn more about the NY Health Act, visit nyhcampaign.org/learn

    While the opposition is powerful, we have the people on our side. That's why we need you to pledge to build the movement in New York State at this critical time. We can do this!
    Become a volunteer

  • signed up on signup_form 2023-10-02 15:29:58 -0400